CMC Offers a Limited Lifetime Warranty on all our interior doors.
For a copy of CMC’s Limited Lifetime Warranty, please click on the following link: Interior Stile and Rail Door Warranty.

**Before making a warranty claim be sure the doors and jobsite are in compliance with the conditions described below:
Jobsite or Staging Area Conditions
It is extremely important that wood doors are not accepted on a jobsite until the space is conditioned and proper heat and humidity levels are consistent. Wood doors are hygroscopic and readily exchange moisture content with the environment they are exposed to. High humidity levels can lead to swelling and telegraphing while low humidity levels can lead to veneer checking and telegraphing as well. Industry Standards require relative humidity levels to be maintained between 25% and 55% and temperature between 50°F and 90°F. Exposure to extreme conditions both at the storage and installation areas may cause damage and void warranty claims.
Pre-Installation Door Storage
It is also important to store doors in a flat position until they are ready to be hung. Leaning doors against the wall for an extended period of time may cause the door to warp. According to Industry Standards, warp is any distortion in the door itself, and it does not refer to the door in relation to the frame or the jamb in which it is hung. Warp is measured by placing a straight edge or a taut string on the concave face and determining the maximum distance from the straight edge or string to the door face. The accompanying table and drawing illustrate the Standard and Test.
Door Thickness | Door Size | Maximum Deviation Exceeding |
1 ¾” | 3′-6″ x 7′-0″ or smaller | ¼” |
1 ¾” | larger than 3’-6″ x 7′-0″ | ¼” in any 3′-6″ x 7′-0″ section |
Using a taut string or straight edge, measuring on the concave ace of the door, diagonally, horizontally and vertically, ascertain the point of maximum distance between the taut string or straight edge. Here are some other points to look for when measuring:
- Door should be in open position (not latched)
- Do not measure warp in relationship to the frame
- Only when gap exceeds ¼” may door warp be claimed
Often a door may not fit into the frame properly but it is not warped. In these cases, check the frame – it should be set plumb and square and jambs should not be twisted or out of alignment.
Action on any claim for warp may be deferred for up to one year after project completion to permit doors to acclimate to temperature and humidity conditions.
Please also refer to our Care and Handling Instructions